«Либо оговорился, либо начал говорить от души». Глава РПЦ Кирилл чуть не выругался матом, назвав Россию «реально свободной страной». Видео

Patriarch Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev) of the Russian Orthodox Church, who is under Ukrainian sanctions, recently declared that Russians should thank God for living in a ‘free country’. The fragment of Gundyaev’s address was published by the Russian media outlet The Insider on 11 December.

The Patriarch’s statement has been met with both approval and criticism. Many of his supporters believe that his words were directed at those who seek to undermine the Russian state and its sovereignty. Gundyaev’s words were interpreted as a message of hope and gratitude to those who live in Russia, and a reminder that the country is still a ‘free’ nation.

Gundyaev’s statement was also seen as a sign of strength and resilience, as he chose to remain in Russia despite the sanctions imposed by Ukraine. His words were interpreted as a call to action for the Russian people to remain united and to fight for their rights.

The Patriarch’s statement was also seen as a reminder of the importance of faith in times of hardship. He reminded Russians of the importance of relying on God in difficult times and of the power of faith to bring strength and courage.

Gundyaev’s statement was also seen as a sign of hope and optimism for the future. He reminded Russians that despite the hardships of the present, they should remain hopeful for the future and trust that God will lead them through any hardship.

Ultimately, Gundyaev’s statement was a message of hope and optimism to the Russian people. He reminded them of the power of faith and of the importance of remaining united in the face of adversity. His words were a reminder of the importance of faith and of the power of prayer to bring strength and courage in times of hardship.

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