Шри-Ланка потребовала от РФ выплаты за погибших в Украине наемников

Russia Should Compensate Families of Deceased and Injured Citizens of Sri Lanka Who Became Mercenaries in the War with Ukraine

On June 27, the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka published a statement calling on Russia to pay compensation to the families of those who died and were injured in the war with Ukraine. According to the statement, a number of Sri Lankan citizens were recruited as mercenaries by Russia and subsequently lost their lives or were wounded in the conflict.

This call for compensation comes as a result of a recent investigation by the Sri Lankan government, which found that several Sri Lankan citizens had been recruited by Russian private military companies to fight in the war in Ukraine. These individuals were promised high salaries and other benefits, but instead found themselves in a dangerous and deadly conflict.

The Sri Lankan government has expressed deep concern for the well-being of its citizens who were lured into this conflict and has called on Russia to take responsibility for their actions. The statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the devastating impact this has had on the families of the deceased and the injured, who are left to bear the burden of their loss.

It is clear that these Sri Lankan citizens were exploited and used as pawns in a larger political game. They were promised financial gain and adventure, but instead, they paid the ultimate price for someone else’s agenda. It is the duty of Russia to provide compensation to these families and to take responsibility for the harm caused to its citizens.

Furthermore, it is important to note that this is not the first instance of Russian private military companies recruiting individuals from other countries to fight in conflicts. In recent years, there have been reports of Russian mercenaries being involved in conflicts in Syria, Libya, and other countries. This raises serious concerns about the intentions and actions of these private military companies, and the potential consequences for innocent individuals who are caught in the crossfire.

The Sri Lankan government’s call for compensation is not only a demand for justice for its citizens, but also a call for accountability from Russia and its private military companies. It is crucial for the international community to recognize and address the dangers of using mercenaries in conflicts, and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

In addition to compensating the families of the deceased and injured, Russia should also take steps to prevent such exploitation from happening in the future. This includes stricter regulations and oversight of private military companies, as well as providing support and assistance to those who were lured into these dangerous situations.

It is important for Russia to take this call for compensation seriously and to take immediate action to address the harm caused to these Sri Lankan citizens. The families of the deceased and injured deserve justice and closure, and it is the responsibility of Russia to provide it.

In conclusion, the call for compensation from the Sri Lankan government is a necessary step towards justice and accountability for the families of the deceased and injured citizens. Russia must take responsibility for its actions and provide compensation for the harm caused to these individuals. It is also crucial for the international community to address the issue of mercenaries in conflicts and prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. Let us hope that this call for justice will not go unheard and that steps will be taken to prevent such exploitation and loss of innocent lives in the future.

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