«День рождения у ничтожества. Сгинь, всем станет веселее». Лева из «Би-2» поздравил Путина с 72-летием

Russian-Belarusian band member «Bi-2» Lev (Egor Bortnik) has publicly expressed his opinion on the legitimacy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling him a «talentless political inaction» on October 9th in an Instagram post. The post was accompanied by an image of the Kremlin, littered with skulls.

This bold statement from the musician has caused quite a stir in the Russian media and among fans of the band. Many have praised Lev for his bravery in speaking out against the current political climate in Russia, while others have criticized him for being disrespectful towards the country’s leader.

In his post, Lev wrote, «I am ashamed of the fact that this is the person who represents our country on the international stage. He is a disgrace to our nation and a symbol of corruption and oppression.» He went on to say that Putin’s actions have caused harm to the Russian people and that he has failed to fulfill his duties as a leader.

This is not the first time that Lev has expressed his political views on social media. In the past, he has been vocal about his support for opposition leader Alexei Navalny and has openly criticized the government’s handling of various issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent protests in Belarus.

His latest post, however, has received a lot of attention due to its graphic imagery and strong language. The image of the Kremlin covered in skulls is a powerful symbol of the consequences of Putin’s actions, according to Lev. It is a stark reminder of the lives lost and the suffering caused by his regime.

Despite the backlash he has received, Lev stands by his words and believes that it is his responsibility as an artist to use his platform to speak out against injustice. He has also received support from fellow musicians and artists who share his views.

This is not the first time that the band «Bi-2» has been involved in political activism. In 2019, they released a song called «The Last War» which was a commentary on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The band has always been known for their socially conscious lyrics and their willingness to address important issues through their music.

It is not uncommon for artists in Russia to face backlash for speaking out against the government. Many have been arrested or faced censorship for their views. However, Lev remains undeterred and continues to use his platform to raise awareness and spark important conversations.

In conclusion, Lev’s statement about Putin has sparked a much-needed conversation about the current political climate in Russia. While some may disagree with his views, it is important to remember that everyone has the right to express their opinions freely. As an artist, Lev has chosen to use his platform to speak out against injustice and to stand up for what he believes in. Let us hope that his message will not fall on deaf ears and that it will inspire others to use their voices for positive change.

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